

I had a wonderful time being the President again this year. I hope you all found the meetings and events as interesting and informative as I did. We have had a terrific Board this year, with very efficient monthly meetings, usually half an hour or less in length! How’s that for quick sharing of information and decision making!

Again this year, we had a large membership and I am grateful to all those who joined the Guild and have contributed to its maintenance and success.

Darlene Fallis and Donna Walker, representatives on the ACP Board, kept us informed about its goings on. This is a very important role and ensures that the Guild voice is heard by the ACP. Thank you both!

Spinners and other fibre artists demonstrated on St. Distaff Day. For the Love of Art, organized and overseen by Lois Watson, raised a donation for the Artisans Centre, and was another opportunity to raise the Guild’s public profile.


The Fibre Arts Festival returned to the Wellness Centre and Darlene Fallis organized an incredibly successful day for the Guild. Darlene, you made it look so easy, that I doubt many of our members realize how much behind-the-scenes work went into it. I, for one, am extremely appreciative of your efforts! The Festival was financially very successful for the Guild, covering all costs, allowing for a $1000 donation to the ACP, and still leaving money leftover!


Diane Passmore sent out cards to members with expressions of sympathy or best wishes for a speedy recovery. The passing of long time member Anne Gallant was a very sad event for those to whom she was well known and several members attended her celebration of life service. Thank you Diane for your willingness to continue in this role again next year.


There were many excellent programs at the monthly meetings, covering a diverse range of topics, from how the composition of the land on which animals graze affects their fleece, to the importance of taking stretch breaks and maintaining good posture while participating in fibre activities. A huge thank you to Shannon McKinley and Anne Gallant for compiling the list of speakers and arranging for them to present to us. Also, thanks to Molly McKinley (and Shannon) for a never ending supply of yummy treats!

Monthly meetings were also a time in which we saw countless examples of gorgeous spun fibres, woven items and other fabulous fibre creations, all made by our own members. If you look back through your electronic newsletters, you’ll see the photos and explanations for these. Many thanks to Krista and other minute takers for the notes, and Lois and other photographers for providing me with pictures.


Lois Watson again did a stellar job of maintaining membership records and keeping all of us notified as new members joined the Guild. The Guild’s practice of welcoming members throughout the year, and adjusting the fees accordingly, meant we had a steady stream of new fibre artists joining us. Thanks for your work, Lois, in ensuring that we had their contact information promptly.


Thanks to Darlene Fallis for once again coordinating classes to be held in the Artisans Centre. This is the main way the ACP earns income. Classes raise the profile of both the Guild and the ACP. Some new Guild members arrived because of these classes. New instructors with class ideas are always welcome!


Another fun Guild challenge was held this year, courtesy of Darlene. The concept was “Giving old bits and bobs some love” with each member receiving a mystery bag of odd items that could be used in a fibre based creation. What a wonderful array of entries, woven, sewn and felted, were created and presented, and then displayed at the Fibre Festival. Thanks to all who participated for being so open minded and creative with your items.


Julia Szabo has now completed two years as Guild Treasurer, maintaining monthly records and overseeing the Guild investments. Thank you for this Julia, and for your willingness to carry on next year.


Board and whole Guild meeting minutes were efficiently taken by Krista Delahunt and generally hit our inboxes within moments of the meetings’ endings. An historical record like this is invaluable to such an organization as ours. Thank you, Krista, for your 5 years of service to the Guild! Your shoes will be pretty tough to fill!


Lynn Shaw has continued to maintain our online presence. Thank you, Lynn, for again keeping members and non-members (read possible members!) well informed about meetings, programs and events. And also, we appreciate your willingness to continue with this role next year.


We have a large and diverse library of books, magazines and fibres that is available to members. Please be sure to peruse and sign out materials. Thanks to Lois Watson for maintaining this collection and its subscriptions, as well as arranging for extra materials to be made available to members for a donation to the Guild. And thank you too, for agreeing to continue in this position next year.


Merrilyn Lindsay and Patti Briggs updated the inventory and catalogues of our extensive collection of weaving and spinning equipment and oversaw equipment rentals. This allowed us to offer classes and teach new learners or help people who are interested but are not ready to invest in their own equipment and tools. Merrilyn and Patti have tweaked these positions and offered to continue with them next year. Thanks to both of you for carrying on.


Thank you to all of you for the opportunity to have been your Guild President for the past two years. I greatly enjoyed the experience and am willing and able to assist the new President as requested or required. I hope you all have a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you again in the fall.

Respectfully submitted by

Gillian Holden